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Saint Mary of Egypt Orthodox Mission and Refuge, Gem, Kenya Update: Water, Sun, and Bricks

Thanks to your generosity and prayers, our mission has successfully drilled the well and made a large purchase of bricks to begin development.

Earlier in July, Father Antipas did a blessing and a boring crew hit water on the first borehole at 98 feet.  We have installed everything including the water tower, but are waiting before sinking the pump until we can build an adequate security fence around the well to protect it from theft.  Surveillance cameras and electrical fencing will be installed.  On account of an oversight, we owe the well company $1700.00 for the twin tanks atop the tower.  Apparently the contractor wrote the estimate to include the tower structure, but this did not include the two 10,000 kilo tanks.  The well is powered by solar energy:

On another blessed note, Father Antipas was able to buy a large order of bricks so that we can begin building structures on the property.  The first structure will be for crop storage, along with a small house for he and the staff to stay in during periods of development.  

There are many aspects of mission development that your support contributes to.  We are deeply grateful for the support we received thus far through Orthodox Africa and your generosity, and ask you to continue to support materially and in prayer.  May God bless!

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